In the last show, Ep 140, Mickael was finishing up the rickshaw. Well, now it’s two weeks later, and he and the 3 children have spent a week travelling with it, starting in Northampton, MA, and ending up in Plainville, CT. How was the trip??? Your body? People’s reactions? the beauty of living on a lush branch of the tree of the world while the trunk is rotten? the visits from the police? ( I was with them for a lot of the trip.)
This interview is over the phone, since Mickael and family were in South Carolina, and headed back to France.
Min 38: Talking Heads with “Totally Nude”
42: Election Day is coming up. 5 myths about voting, from the Teaching Tolerance magazine
45: Leaf blowers downtown drive me crazy!! When I talk to the man, he says that nothing can be done about the fact that he’s trying to blow tiny wet honey locust leaves in the drizzle at max power/volume.
And then there’s the guy idling diesel exhaust…”Excuse me, I don’t know if you realize, but the exhaust from your truck makes it hard to breathe all the way down the block…”
52: Talking Heads with “Once in a Lifetime”