4m: Felipe Gonzales runs Mariachi shoe and boot repair on Ave A in Great Falls/Turners Falls. He can fix/alter any boot, shoe, zipper, belt, leather case, etc. He famously even turned a left shoe in to a right shoe once! He gives me a tour of his shop, hightlighting the advantages of reusing scrap materials, and doing work by hand, as compared to much of modern-day industrialization. This interview is in Spanglish.
Also in this episode, Jacqueline Dauphinais, former housemate and PPerson, in town for a friend’s wedding, shares the joy of giving the brides rides in bike trailers through Florence.
Also last week, I took a Sunday trip to Greenfield and back. There’s(no PVTA bus service Sundays, so I share my travails in attempting to find a ride back to Northampton. And interview Wendy Perry, who was selling her wares outside of Greenfields Market/Co-op.