Ep 193 -Stories, MLKNonviolence
#192 413SWSA 8-4-2020
similar to Ep 191 but not quite the same?
#191: drivers licenses for all, Simbrit Paskins and Stephany Marryshow, 413StayWokeStayActive
drivers licenses for all, Simbrit Paskins and Stephany Marryshow, 413StayWokeStayActive
(more details will be added later -rw)drivers licenses for all, Simbrit Paskins and Stephany Marryshow, 413StayWokeStayActive
Ep 190: Jean on COVID in Haiti, Chaya Grossberg-Freedom From Psychiatric Drugs
I ran into Jean dribbling basketball on the hoopless courts by the skate park, so we played and talked and he shared about covid challenges in Haiti – lack of digital infrastructure making online school and work a challenge; high prices for basic goods because of port closures; and depression stemming from difficulties that make everything even more difficult.
starting at 8 min, and for the bulk of the show, I talk with Chaya Grossberg , author of Freedom from Psychiatric Drugs, on the effects of psychiatric drugs, and why and how someone might come off of them. https://chayagrossberg.com/2804-2/