Well, yesterday we were gonna ship like 100 bikes to Haiti, the youth org Sakala-Haiti in Cite Soleil outside Port au Prince. Daniel S. was on his way to come pick them up to take them to Boston, but that morning the shipper canceled. (Later I found out that the ports have been closed, controlled by armed groups). http://www.sakala-haiti.org/
15m: Today, September 30th, is National Day of Awareness for the Indian Boarding Schools. Andrew Grant is digging in the archives at UMass to see what Quaker meeting minutes reveal about how the Western New England Quakers, which he is involved with, viewed or interacted with the boarding schools.
20m: Smiles sings “Don’t Arrest the Clown” downtown. and another one
25m: I sing the little lullaby I wrote years ago: “I am a pumpkin head”
26m: Maya Lieberman, troublesome chemical scents n perfumes (this is the same interview I played last week)
48m: a few minutes with Pablo Mercker-Sague at South River Miso/ Natural Roots farm. They grew rice this year! (mostly symbolic)
41m: I was pulling weeds in Pulaski Park and talking with folks about why is composting important: Gina Louise-Sciarra (mayor of Northampton) shares. and Rebecca from Woodstar Cafe.
54m: Pedal People cooperative’s 20th anniversary party was last week! a couple songs, one by our friend Jean Rohe, and sung by party goers with Alex Jarrett leading on ukelele.
55m: Joanna Nix (pedal person) sings her parody “I am Pedal People”